Virginia Democrat Leaders Declare Themselves ‘Adults in the Room’ on Budget Debate, Youngkin Admin Acting Like ‘Spoiled Brats’

Virginia Democrats

Democratic leaders from the Virginia General Assembly held a press conference on Monday to discuss the state of negotiations to pass a budget for the commonwealth, raising claims about the governor’s behavior and aptitude during the negotiations.

Various Democratic leaders declared themselves the “adults in the room” during budget negotiations, claimed Governor Glenn Youngkin lacks political aptitude, and accused his administration of acting like “spoiled brats” while refusing to respect the separation of powers.

House Speaker Don Scott (D-Portsmouth) began the press conference by admonishing the governor, “We had an election in November. Somebody might want to tell him he lost.”

After Scott noted a number of Republicans who voted in support of the budget, which he insisted is “bipartisan” and “reflects the needs of all Virginians regardless of party,” the speaker seemed to urge Youngkin, “It’s okay to compromise, that’s a win for all Virginians.”

Democratic Mamie Locke (D-Hampton), similarly claimed lawmakers “will not be vetoed into agreeing” with Youngkin, and declared, “we’re not going to cave in to his threats.”

After insisting Democrats in the Virginia General Assembly represent the “adults in the room” in the Virginia government, Lott claimed the governor’s vetoes would create an “end game” that hamstrings the commonwealth’s budget.

“Governor Youngkin has issued an unprecedented number of early vetoes, and he is on track to veto more bills than any other governor in Virginia history,” stated Locke. “If that’s his end game, that’s not going to help finalize the budget.”

She then said Youngkin is “doing what spoiled brats do when they can’t get what they want and when they can’t get their way.”

Locke said, “The governor simply needs to sign the budget and stop threatening an unprecedented budget veto.”

Senate Finance Chair L. Louise Lucas (D- Portsmouth City), whose first name is Lillie, said the budget reflects a number of Democratic priorities and highlighted the funding she secured for toll relief in Hampton Roads.

Calling it a “heartthrob and a passion of mine,” Lucas stated she secured $101 million “so far” and pledged, “This will continue to be one of my top priorities over the next four years.”

Lucas (pictured above) originally suggested she would work with Youngkin on the arena for the Washington Capitals and Washington Wizards if toll relief was secured. Despite reports indicating that Youngkin promised more than $300 million in relief, which would be tied to the arena, Lucas continues to block it.

The senator then declared Youngkin “is not very smart when it comes to politics.”

“He thinks he is the boss of all of us,” claimed Lucas. “He’s failed to understand that we are coequal in this process.”

Lucas recently acknowledged Youngkin could veto the budget proposed by the General Assembly, which he called “completely backward” in remarks to the media.

The governor is widely expected to revive his plans to build the Potomac Yards arena in April when lawmakers will reconvene to consider legislation vetoed or amended by Youngkin.

Watch the full remarks by Democratic leaders in the General Assembly:

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Tom Pappert is the lead reporter for The Tennessee Star, and also reports for The Georgia Star News, The Virginia Star, and The Arizona Sun Times. Follow Tom on X/Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Virginia Democrat Press Conference” by 13News Now.





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One Thought to “Virginia Democrat Leaders Declare Themselves ‘Adults in the Room’ on Budget Debate, Youngkin Admin Acting Like ‘Spoiled Brats’”

  1. Randall Davidson

    Lillie Lucas needs to go…..Virginia doesn’t need 4 more years of her mouth and hatred. She should have been removed already.
